OFCOM – PMSE clearing the 700 MHz ban
The Ofcom statement for PMSE equipment owner support has been published:
There are a number of key changes to the consultation version following responses from stakeholders, including:
- The minimum amount a user will receive is 60% of the estimated replacement cost for a piece of equipment, this has increased from 47%.
- Ancillary equipment such as antennas is now included in the scheme;
- The criteria to have at least 50% of the tuning range of equipment in 700 MHz band for the equipment to be eligible for compensation has been changed to requiring the only some of the tuning range need be in the 700 MHz band;
- Equipment purchased before 23rd Aug 2018 is now eligible, previously it was 17th Oct 2016
There is also clarification on how the 700 MHz guard band (694 MHz to 703 MHz) will be dealt with, which states that equipment operating in this range is still eligible for compensation i.e. the upper boundary remains at 694 MHz.
Additional to the statement, there is consultation to seek views of stakeholders on Ofcom’s approach to funding additional costs incurred by PMSE equipment owners through participating in the funding scheme. This closes on the 4th Oct.
The current proposal is to provide a 5% uplift on grant payments to account for costs incurred participating in the scheme e.g. project management costs.